Technology Policy

The new Code of Conduct provisions around student cell phone use detailed in the Ministry of Education's PPM 128 came into effect this September. The HDSB Code of Conduct is reflective of these changes and can be found at While these changes are now directed by the Ministry, they are inline with routines and practices that have been in place for a period of time here at Clarksdale. 


Students in FDK-Grade 2 do not require personal electronic devices at school. With the level of access to technology for our Primary students, and the early stages of their digital literacy, we respectfully request that all devices be left at home. If you have questions, please contact your child’s teacher.


Students in Grades 3-5 do not require personal devices at school. Should you feel that your child requires a cell phone for before/after school, these devices must remain in their backpack throughout the day. If your child in Grades 3-6 has a personal chromebook/laptop, you may choose to allow them to bring this technology to school, but it is not required or necessary.. If you have questions, please contact your child’s teacher.

Clarksdale’s policies around personal electronic devices, includes cell phones, tablets, smart watches and air pods. 

All electronic devices must ALWAYS kept in backpacks during the school day unless required for use in class as an instructional tool, as directed by the teacher. 

If a student does not follow the above expectations, the following consequences will occur: